Hotmail Technical Support Number NZ +64-04-8879107

Don't worry about any kind of Hotmail issues because now Hotmail Support New Zealand is in your country. So if you use Hotmail Account and have any kind of issue like recover password, reset password and etc. then you can call anytime on Hotmail Support N

Staying Away From Predictable Passwords


Outlook Mail or Hotmail has been around since 1996, during which period it has established itself as one of the best email services in the world. In fact, together with Gmail, Yahoo Mail is the most popular email service, with over a billion active users!  The reasons why Outlook Mail is so popular are numerous, start from the fact that it’s very reliable. The problems with Outlook accounts happen very rarely.

The most common problem Outlook Mail users occur is being unable to access the account. In most cases, this happens because the users forget their passwords. This problem is easily solved. In fact, if this happen to you, you don’t even need to call the Hotmail support New Zealand. Instead, you can get your account back by answering to the security questions that you picked when creating the account.

In most cases, Outlook users can’t access their accounts because of the forgotten password, but sometimes the things are not so simple. Hacker attacks have become a serious issue, so if you suspect that your account might have been hacked; you need to call the Hotmail Technical Support Number New Zealand +64-04-8879107 right away. 

Almost always, hackers manage to steal accounts because users choose too simple passwords. According to the Telegraph, among the most popular 25 passwords are phrases, words, and sequences like the following:

  • 123456
  • password
  • qwerty
  • football
  • starwars
  • 1qaz2wsx

If the password “1qaz2wsx” seems too random, you should know that it’s pretty predictable password. Same as “qwerty”, this password is also related to the placement of the letters on the keyboard. The sequence “qwerty” goes from left to the right, while “1qaz2wsx” goes from the top of the keyboard to the bottom. Instead of choosing such predictable passwords, you should use one that’s logical only to you.

